All It Takes Is Three Strategy

EnviroOne believes that economic growth alone is not sufficient to assess the development of a country and its people. For example, two countries with the same level of gross national income per capita can end up with different human development outcomes.  The people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country.


A 2008 World Bank report indicates that almost half of the world (that’s over three billion people) lives on less than $2.50 a day and at least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day.  For the 70% of the world’s poor who live in rural areas, agriculture is the main source of  income  and employment.

This means improving agriculture will lead to a more decent standard of living in most communities in the world. EnviroOne is implementing agricultural programs through training, and micro-financing agricultural production. These programs are designed to move the rural poor farmer from subsistence farming to a sustainable agro-business entity.


The health of a community is directly linked to the quality of the environment that its people are exposed to: the water they drink; the air they breathe; and the land they live on. 

EnviroOne is currently helping to improve the environment of communities by implementing clean water programs in some communities where access to clean water is a challenge.


As one of the most powerful instruments for promoting sustained economic growth and reducing poverty and inequality, education builds the knowledge base and capacity of people and nations.  This is particularly important for the poor, who have to rely on their working skills and labour as the main, if not the only, means of escaping poverty. 

EnviroOne is implementing education programs in agriculture and micro-financing designed to build capacity and help the poor succeed and improve their lives.

The combined effect of EnviroOne’s current programs on food (through agriculture production), health (from clean drinking water wells), and improving knowledge (via education and capacity building programs) increases human development in the areas it operates.


The United Nations uses three key variables as average measure of human development in any country:

  • a decent standard of living (food);
  • a long and healthy life (health);  and
  • being knowledgeable (knowledge).

EnviroOne endorses this concept for Human Development and it’s the basis of the “All It Takes Is Three” slogan.
EnviroOne assesses the most critical need in each community and implement programs to address that need.