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Sponsor A Village

The Problem:  The piecemeal approaches to community development has not succeeded in many communities. This is because these approaches do not fully embrace the “All It Takes Is 3” method. This method emphasizes human development through sustainable changes in the 3 pillars of human development: nutritious food, good health and environment, and quality education.

Our Solution:   To build sustainable communities where everyone will have access to the 3 pillars of human development led by those who will directly benefit from it. This requires an integrated approach towards community development.

Experience:  EnviroOne has proven experience working with communities and their leaders in five villages in Lower Yoni Chiefdom (Makeni Roke Fola, Mano, Malkia, Makinti, and Mokanda) and six villages in Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom (Masoila, Rotifunk, Kambia, Yongro, Mahera, and Tintafor) and two villages in Koya Chiefdom (Songo, and Gbabia) in improving the quality of life of people.

We have a long history working with communities in providing clean water, capacity building, and agriculture assistance.


Method:   We use a community-based approach to improve the health,  social, and economic well being of these communities, and to build their capacity through the use of our ”All It Takes Is 3” strategy.

The villages were carefully selected for sponsorship based on their needs and capacity for development, the presence of engaged communities, and very strong leadership.

Project Costs:  Building a sustainable community is an expensive endeavor.  Costs can run as high as $100,000 or more before realizing meaningful results.

Evaluation/Reporting: Regardless of how much you give, you’ll receive an annual report.  For impact evaluation, we will collect baseline information including community profile, GPS coordinates, photos and videos and compare that information with data collected continuously as the village projects are implemented.

Sponsorship: Every donation is helpful in funding a specific village.  Would you consider a gift of of at least $20 per month to sponsor a village in desperate need of your help?

You will join a community of supporters dedicated to lifting a village out of poverty and you will receive regular news and information on the progress of your village from our monthly newsletter.

Also, from our on-line blog, you can read and post comments of friendship and encouragement on your village.