Our Mission

"EnviroOne is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit company organized in 2007 to promote sustainable environmental and agricultural activities in the US and the world."


There are numerous aid programs to lift the under privileged out of poverty.  Yet, many of these programs have not fully achieved their intended purposes.

Our mission is to demonstrate that a systems approach that integrates the three main components of human development (health/ environment, food, and knowledge) is not only needed to successfully improve the lives of people, but achievable.

This is a paradigm shift from the current piecemeal approach to human development.  It is the basis of our “All It Takes Is Three” strategy.


Goals & Objectives

To achieve our goal of reducing poverty and improving human development in a sustainable manner, we focus on several objectives, including:

Assisting farmers and empowering women in a changing climate environment by

  • Educating farmers on modern farming techniques.

  • Implementing capacity building programs that empower women with livelihood and entrepreneurship skills in fruits and vegetable gardening.

  • Helping farmers move from subsistence to large scale farming as a business.

  • Supporting research and development activities that promote sustainable agriculture in the United States and abroad.

  • Empowering communities with cheap sustainable solar energy solution

Improving the health and environment of citizens in our project areas by

  • Drilling water wells for clean drinking water.

  • Conducting water quality studies on improved and unimproved water sources.

Implementing micro-finance loan programs to empower farmers, petty traders, and school teachers